Call for Papers: Position Paper: Network Quality from an End User Perspective Author: Joachim Fabini Affiliation: Institute of Telecommunications, TU Wien Contact: When designing and implementing today's protocols and networks, focus is commonly on ressource sharing and overall network capacity optimization (in other words: revenue maximization) rather than on determinism from an end user's perspective. Quantifying the measured network quality from a user's perspective or predicting it for a future point in time is challenged by a huge amount of influencing parameters. Capturing these influencing parameters for a life network is impossible, which is why the concepts of measurement repeatability and continuity have been questioned as impractical in RFC 7312 [1] as an update to the IETF's IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) framework. The list of requirements for objective network quality measurements varies depending on the perspective. In first place, these measurements must yield results that are (a) representative and meaningful to the user, (b) allow users to infer on future expected network quality, and (c) be "fair", meaning that metrics and methodologies should reflect user's perspective, match her perception, and not exhibit bias for specific operators and/or technologies deployed in the networks. These high-level requirements can be mapped to a series of low-level technical requirements that have a high potential to conflict with each other. At a technical level, the main challenge in quantifying network quality is that the network abstraction of a stateless copper wire does no longer hold true ([2], [3]). The OSI layer model enables interoperability between various network technologies at the cost of increased complexity. Protocols at various layers now include redundant functionality that may even cause conflicts and performance penalties. For instance retransmissions on loss or in the case of network congestion detection may be replicated at physical, transport and application layer. Network links along the path allocate resources to users based on parameters that users can't influence on. Therefore, singular events may lead to cascading actions: an application that detects an end-to-end congestion and lowers the sending rate may trigger the cellular access link scheduler to de-allocate ressources for the user's access link below the level that was needed for handling the congestion. In the worst case, an aggressive timing of networks (result of overall network capacity optimization) combined with vertical OSI layer interaction can trigger network oscillations. The complexity can be increased at discretion by adding more uncertainty factors like active user count in a cell, multi-path aggregation for heterogeneous network technologies at various layers (for instance MPTCP or SCTP at transport layer), SDN, server virtualization, etc. And the complexity in terms of parameters increases beyond manageable when it comes to theoretical radio provisioning models vs. practical radio coverage (potentially inside buildings) and user mobility. A fundamental dilemma with respect to objective network quality assessment becomes obvious when reviewing early implementations of mobile cellular networks. Years ago, some operators deployed transparent compression at link level in their networks. Mainly mobile cellular access links compressed user data transparently at link ingress and decompressed it at link egress. This raises the question how to conduct fair network quality measurements and comparisons, as the technology exhibits substantial bias for the actual data used for measurements. For text user data, the compression results in an n-fold increase in transfer capacity from a user perspective. For binary data, the unconditional compression may even cause performance (delay) penalties. An obective quality measurement for such a use case is virtually impossible without testing an actual user traffic. Structuring these observations, network quality from a user perspective depends in the first place on (1) The past and momentary traffic (includes amount of data, as well as packet content) generated by applications that are active on the user's device(s) (2) Network technologies and protocols in use at the end-user device and on (potentially redundant/aggregated) end-to-end network path(s) (3) Network conditions and parameters (including: users-in-the-cell, competing traffic, timing, network configuration, roaming agreements, radio provisioning, mobility, etc.) In isolated systems and static scnearios it may be feasible to boil down network quality to quantifiable metrics like one-way delay, one-way loss, and link capacity. However, in today's networks all of these metrics depend on the traffic that a user and her active applications generate. Deployed applications, application use, and resulting user traffic differ across societies, cultures, geographies, age groups, tariffs, etc. It's actually impossible to define a "prototypical traffic" or a mixture of traffic patterns with local or global validity. If done accurately (the ivory-tower-way), it would end up in dozens of "typical" user or application profiles. Worse, even the typical target audience (users interested in their network quality) typically can't tell the profile of their traffic as it's hidden within applications and lower layers. And finally, to complicate matters, even specific applications may select or switch their protocols in use at run time, potentially transparent from a user's perspective. For instance a web browser may either use http on top of TLS/TCP or quic as transport. A metric and methodology that claims to map performance to one value can't capture this indeterminateness and is, therefore, highly overselling. Therefore, quantifying network quality by one single value seems to be doomed to fail - in particular, whenever this value aims at predicting expected network quality for the future without knowing the user's application requirements and specific traffic. An accurate knowledge of a specific user's traffic - for instance through passive measurements - may support a post-analysis of the network quality ("my network quality for the past session was x"). But even this solution is highly intrusive and, therefore, questionable: the detailed analysis requires user traffic and data to be collected and analyzed, which raises substantial concerns with respect to bias (opt-in expected to be used by techies) and privacy (GDPR). Whereas its representativity is limited to the specific data set. Conclusion: From a technological point of view there are too many uncertainty factors that exhibit heavy bias on network quality (at OSI Layer 1-7 + user). This makes it impossible to map network quality to one easily comprehensible, objective, unbiased, representative, predictive value or scale. Underlying reason is that the copper wire abstraction used for most user experience models no longer holds true as networks react to the user traffic and depends on a huge set of uncertainty parameters. Objective and subjective network quality (mapped to technical network parameters like delay, capacity, loss, ...) depend to a large extent on the user's traffic and data. One potential solution could be to define a framework (mechanisms and protocols) that (A) supports users in monitoring and evaluating their effective traffic in order to map it to an abstract and privacy-preserving user traffic profile, (B) adds application-level and network-provider-interfaces to monitor events in order to include them into the analysis, and (C) considers in its design potential privacy concerns and GDPR regulations. Visual perception of humans being excellent, an option could be to map multiple benchmark results to one multidimensional diagram representing network quality. The remaining question is whether these mechanisms can be designed and implemented such that tests can be easily run and results comprehended by the broad audience of (potentially) non-technical Internet users. Should we target an LMAP 2.0 that focuses on end-user- perspective instead of operator-perspective? Or should the lmap complexity and its imho limited acceptance be a warning? [1] J. Fabini and A. Morton, “Advanced Stream and Sampling Framework for IPPM,” Network Working Group RFC 7312, 2014. [2]: J.Fabini: "Access network measurements", Lightning talk, IRTF Workshop: Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM) 2015, Yokohama, Japan. [3]: J.Fabini: "Delay measurement tools: RDM", Lightning talk, IRTF Workshop: Research and Applications of Internet Measurements (RAIM) 2015, Yokohama, Japan.